In Sickness and in health

It is that time of the year when people in Chennai are confused about the weather. It is pleasant with light showers every now and then. In one of those showers, Pogo and I got drenched. (Cuz, we as Chennai-ites are hardly ever ready to handle weather changes).

As expected, Pogo fell sick and has been coughing his lungs out through the day. He is running a temperature and had lost his voice for almost a week before being able to muster up a few sentences without interruption.  So obviously, I kept him from school.

On the second day of his sickness, however, Pogo repeatedly insisted going to school. He threw tantrums, refused to eat and refused his medicines. I tried all the tricks in my handbook and yet he did not yield. So after half a day of protest, I finally sat him down and asked him “Why in devil’s name do you want to go to school on a sick day? You always refuse to wake up on routine days!!” “Baby, you are so sick and can hardly speak coherently, why do you want to go to school?”

Pogo was silent for a few minutes, I prodded him along to tell me. When he finally opened up, he left me speechless… literally..!!

He said, “Amma, Maa’m always asks me to not interrupt and be silent, since I am sick today, I wont interrupt her and she will give me a star for good behavior..!”

Parenting 101: Logical Reasoning has a whole new definition..!

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